Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Make the fire, fix the breakfast!"

I got one of them Swiffer broom/mop things from Costco the other day.  I haven't had much chance to use it but is seems pretty okay.

Isadora, however, thinks that it is more than okay.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that it's one of her new favorite things.  She takes tiny, wobbly steps and pushes it around on the floor.  Maybe she's not doing a spectacular cleaning job but I respect her good intentions.

She's already got a little thing going on with the duster and a fascination for the vacuum.  When she gets a bit taller I will show her how fun it is to wash dishes.  By the time she's 6 I expect she'll be my very own little Cinderella.  Bwa ha ha!


Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

We just bought Lucy a toy broom because we got tired of her stealing ours.

Sahara said...

Oh you should definitely finangle a video out of that one...